Baked Chocolate Chip Pancakes

We love pancakes in this house.  I usually make the easy – add water – boxed pancakes because well, they are easy.  But I was browsing @dianemorrisey Instagram page and started drooling when I saw her sheet pan chocolate chip pancake recipe.  I knew I had to try it!  Below is her recipe; I cut the recipe in half to accommodate my small family.  If you love fluffy pancakes, this is going to be your jam.  And it’s so flippin’ easy because there is no flippin’ of pancakes involved.

8 Tbsp. Cold Butter – Cut into 1/2 Inch Cubes
1.5 Cups Cold Buttermilk
1 .5 Cups Cold Milk
3 Cups Flour
1/4 Cup Sugar
1 Tbsp. Baking Powder
1 Tsp. Baking Soda
3/4 Tsp. Salt
1 Cup Chocolate Chips

Let’s Bake
1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees
2. Spray 13×18 pan & line with parchment paper
3. In a food processor, combine flour, sugar, baking soda, & baking powder. Then sprinkle butter in until well blended.
4. Pour mixture from food processor to a large mixing bowl
5. Stir in buttermilk and milk to mixing bowl
6. Let batter sit for at least 5 minutes
7. While batter sits, put pan in oven to heat for a few minutes then add a few cubed butters to pan. Once melted, swish around pan to coat the bottom.
8. Pour batter into pan and sprinkle chocolate chips on top
9. Bake for 13-15 minutes or until batter is golden
10. Serve, pour maple syrup on top, and DEVOUR!